Saturday, December 8, 2007

Flavour's Of India

“Flavours of India” a heart warming phrase or just a cliché.

Today if u ask me to feel this phrase its never going to be beyond a thought where corruption,injustice,rich poor divide and lack of commitment are the basic ingredients of the daily bread of majority of the Indians.Though we all are really very proud of are rich heritage,culture,tradition and all the fairy tales ,have we ever valued all of these.People talk of the traditions,heritage we had decades back,But today how many of us can be proud of the existing value system in our country.

How many of us are even aware that to build a strong Nation value system is equally important as the people.With the growing influence of the west on our everyday life we have no other option but secure the Indian Heritage in books and articles and Regularly used phrases.Suburbs are replacing Townhalls,Malls are replacing the chowk’s,Mc’donald’s and KFC’s are more popular than the jalebi’s , Multiplexes have overtaken the theatres …and we have a common man saving all month long to spend the weekend in the above mentioned high profile places.Lets be brave and face the truth , An average Indian today is more concerned with the social status he draws than the satisfaction and content of his soul and heart.He is worried about the big car parked in front of his house he has hooked up on a huge loan But he is not bothered about the small child in the street who hasn’t had food for the whole day just because he is born in a poor family in a poor country.

Though we do not have only the darker sides in our nation there are the brighter sides to the story as well but I fail to mention them here as I don’t think they are that imminent. I wish for and will be proud of that day when the brighter side will shine and illuminate the darker side of this nation.Amen

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